Parent/Guardian Survey for Digital Learning


Thank you for agreeing to participate in your school’s data collection on digital learning. Your school is asking staff, students, and parents or guardians their perspectives on digital learning in order to determine the school's current state of readiness for digital learning. Please answer these questions based on your student’s learning experiences in his/her school during the current school year. If you do not have information on any of these questions, please check “neither agree nor disagree.”

Your responses are anonymous. They will not be linked back to you or your student. Instead, your responses will be combined with other parents’ or guardians' responses to provide a report to the school. The intent is for your school to use this information to inform next steps toward the effective use of technology for all students’ learning.

Should you have questions, please contact your school’s survey coordinator or principal. The survey has 20 questions and will take approximately 12-15 minutes.

Thank you.

Indicate your student's grade. (If you have more than one student in the school, please respond on behalf of only the student that was identified to you for the purpose of this survey. Answer the survey questions below relative to that student’s school experiences.)
5% Complete

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